Need A Home Inspection?
Let's Get Started!
It’s A Relationship That Just Makes Sense
For most home buyers these days, getting a home inspection is just part of all the puzzle pieces that need to be put together to make it happen. That’s why we work with a wide range of real estate agents and companies.
Whenever we get a referral from a realtor, our mission is simple: to partner with that agent and gather all the information we can to help the customer make an informed decision.
Home Inspectors That Work With You
Anyone in real estate knows that the process of buying and selling homes is the culmination of many different working parts set in motion. At Champion Home Inspections, we’d like to partner with you to help facilitate the transaction. Far too often, home inspectors take the approach of finding something wrong with the home in order to discourage the sale from going through. Our home inspectors take the opposite approach.
When it comes to inspecting a home, we take an objective look at what’s going on with the property, and like any home inspector, when we find a problem, we discuss it clearly, honestly, but with the mindset of helping the potential buyer find ways to address the problems so that the sale can go through. At Champion Home Inspections, we always look for the win-win for our customers as well as their real estate professionals.
Click here to learn more about home inspection in Duluth.

There are a lot of people out there calling themselves home inspectors, so it can be tough to know who to hire. We have the experience and expertise to make hiring us a smart investment.
Direct Consultations
Reporting Property Value
Examination & Evaluation
Total Connect
Champion Home Inspection
Let us help you find your way home.
Our Address:
2041 Huncliff Drive
Lawrenceville, Ga 30043
Our Mission
Our goal is to partner with our clients and referral sources to give them as much information from a home inspection as possible to make informed decisions about their purchases.
Our Service Area